Welcome to the MOMS Club® of Orange!
Are you looking to meet other moms? Would you like some new activities for you and your children? Do you just need to get out of the house? We are here for you!

Are you a stay-at-home or working mom looking to connect with other moms?
MOMS Club® of Orange has over 50 other moms. Our member-driven calendar provides events for most weekdays. Each member receives a monthly calendar as well as a roster. You will also be added to our Facebook page so you can instantly connect with other moms. Email us to sign-up today!
Why Join?

Connect With Other Moms
MOMS Club of Orange has over 50 other moms. Our member-driven calendar provides events for most weekdays.

Play Dates
Our club has multiple age-appropriate playgroups that meet once per month

Holiday Events
We have a variety of kids parties like Valentine’s Day, Easter, End of School, Back to School, Halloween and a party with Santa.

Community Involement
MOMS Club of Orange stays involved in community events as a way to fund raise and recruit new members to our club.

Mom in Charge Events
Each month our wonderful moms volunteer to head up fun activities. We call them the “Mom in Charge” (MIC). They think of the idea and organize anything that needs to be done. It’s as easy as meeting at a park, getting a group rate somewhere or going window shopping. And yes, sometimes we’re so full we have two things on one day!
Affordable Yearly Membership
1 Year
- Holiday Parties
- Play Groups
- Family Nights Out
- Mom’s Night Out